
The scientific revelation about the nicotinamide riboside benefits has truly made it an integral link in the long chain of antiaging supplements. It has the unique function of boosting the NAD+ levels in the body, which is an essential player for optimal metabolic health and muscle function. But, its effects of delaying aging are why NR is in the headlines for people looking to maintain their health and energy over time. If you want to know more about this incredible energy-boosting supplement, we have a perfect blog for you.

So, read ahead!

Why is NR the Best Supplement to Boost NAD+ Levels?

One of the most interesting benefits of nicotinamide riboside is its oral bioavailability, which is better than several other NAD+ precursors sold as antiaging supplements. Bioavailability is the fraction of supplements you take orally that actually get absorbed into the blood to perform their action on the body.

By offering a greater bioavailability, NR promises more significant potential to boost NAD+, an important substance related to several metabolic processes. A study has reported that NR exhibits ideal absorption compared to other NAD+ precursors, offering an efficient approach to increasing muscle NAD+ levels and, in turn, overall energy and metabolism (1).

Another study further supported this, showing that supplementation with NR in aged individuals modulates anti-inflammatory processes, once more signaling the possibility of improvements in metabolic health and longevity (2). The results support the salutary effects of nicotinamide riboside and form firm grounds for its role in support of human health.

With increasing age, the body's natural production of NAD+ tends to reduce. Therefore, it becomes more important in these aging years to ensure that the body has enough NAD+ by using supplements such as Nicotinamide Riboside. It promises to facilitate better health, possibly extending life span.

Muscle Function

The role of Nicotinamide Riboside in enhancing muscle function and metabolic health has garnered significant attention within the scientific community. 

One of the most promising Nicotinamide Riboside benefits lies in its potential to improve mitochondrial biogenesis and satellite cell differentiation, as highlighted in recent research (3)

In simple words, this study highlights the importance of NR in promoting healthier muscle function, which is important for aging individuals seeking to maintain physical strength and endurance.

Metabolic Health

Moreover, the impact of Nicotinamide Riboside on the gut microbiota composition offers intriguing insights into its broader effects on metabolic health. The gut microbiome plays a vital role in overall health, influencing everything from immune function to metabolic processes. By positively affecting gut microbiota composition, NR supplementation may offer a multifaceted approach to improving metabolic health and well-being.

However, it's essential to consider the entirety of scientific findings, including studies that report no significant effects of NR supplementation on insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, or mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle. A study that found no significant improvements in these areas, highlighting the complexity of NR's effects on the human body and the need for further research to fully understand its benefits and limitations (4).

Despite these mixed results, the potential of Nicotinamide Riboside to enhance muscle function and contribute to better metabolic health remains an area of great interest. The ongoing research into the specific mechanisms by which NR exerts its effects will undoubtedly provide deeper insights into how this supplement can be best utilized for health and longevity.

Cognitive and Neuroprotective Effects

Emerging research into the cognitive and neurodegenerative effects of Nicotinamide Riboside offers promising insights into its potential as a supplement for brain health. One study suggests that NR supplementation can improve redox homeostasis and exercise performance in older individuals. This finding is particularly relevant as it hints at Nicotinamide Riboside benefits that extend beyond physical health to encompass cognitive function and resilience against age-related cognitive decline (5).

The potential of NR to impact cognitive health is a burgeoning area of research, with studies indicating its role in supporting neuronal health and function. The connection between NAD+ levels and cognitive processes, including memory and learning, underscores the importance of maintaining adequate NAD+ levels for cognitive well-being. By boosting NAD+ levels, Nicotinamide Riboside, therefore, offers a strategic approach to mitigating the impacts of aging on cognitive function.

Moreover, the potential neuroprotective effects of NR against markers of neurodegenerative diseases open new avenues for research and therapeutic interventions. As the global population ages, the incidence of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease continues to rise, highlighting the urgent need for effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. Nicotinamide Riboside, with its promising cognitive and neuroprotective benefits, represents a compelling area of study within this context.

Specific Conditions

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is showing promise not just for general health improvement but also for specific health conditions, showcasing its versatility.

Ataxia Telangiectasia

A study have highlighted NR's impact on ataxia-telangiectasia, a condition characterized by a progressive decline in brain function. The findings show that long-term use can improve coordination and eye movements, indicating significant benefits in neurological disorders (6). This underlines the need for more focused research on NR's effects on specific conditions.

Acute Kidney Injury

Another study introduced a supplement regimen known as NRPT nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene. The findings revealed the potential of NR to increase NAD+ levels and serve as a therapeutic intervention for acute kidney injury, which could lead to chronic kidney disease. This highlights another broad therapeutic application of NR and its derivatives (7).

Future Research

These results underline the importance of further research into Nicotinamide Riboside benefits across various diseases and conditions. While current evidence strongly supports NR's health benefits, more research is needed to fully understand its therapeutic potential, optimize dosing, and clarify its role in disease management and prevention.

This push for further study reflects a growing recognition of the complex interplay between NAD+ biology, human health, and disease. As scientists gain a better understanding of these relationships, the potential for Nicotinamide Riboside to be used in medical interventions becomes increasingly clear, offering hope for new treatments that could enhance the quality of life and health outcomes for individuals facing a variety.

Is it Safe to Use Nicotinamide Riboside Supplements?

One thing you must not neglect while buying a supplement is its tolerance and safety profile. Interestingly, many studies have already demonstrated that Nicotinamide Riboside is well tolerated and has a high safety profile. 

For example, a study showed that NR supplementation, even up to 2000 mg/day doses, is safe (4). This will be particularly important to those looking into high-dose NR supplementation as part of their health regimen.

This wide tolerance, therefore, underscores the potential of the Nicotinamide Riboside benefits, in particular, to be harnessed by a large number of people who seek to fend off metabolic disorders and the effects of aging.

Additionally, the safety and tolerance of Nicotinamide Riboside do not only serve to build consumer confidence but also open the door for research on a larger population that may find more health benefits from NR supplementation. This sets it apart as the scientific choice for a supplement to bolster the health and well-being of people looking for scientifically proven means with a solid safety profile.

The Bottom Line

Exploring Nicotinamide Riboside benefits has offered a fascinating glimpse into the potential of this powerful supplement. It offers a range of benefits, from enhancing muscle function and metabolic health to improving cognitive function, and it offers potential therapeutic applications for specific conditions.

Safety and tolerance studies further underscore NR's promise as a widely applicable supplement suitable for diverse populations seeking to improve their health and combat the effects of aging. However, the journey into understanding and harnessing the full potential of Nicotinamide Riboside is far from complete.

We have much more to explore about the incredible benefits of NR.


  1. Trammell SA, Schmidt MS, Weidemann BJ, Redpath P, Jaksch F, Dellinger RW, et al. Nicotinamide riboside is uniquely and orally bioavailable in mice and humans. Nature communications. 2016;7(1):12948.
  2. Elhassan YS, Kluckova K, Fletcher RS, Schmidt MS, Garten A, Doig CL, et al. Nicotinamide riboside augments the aged human skeletal muscle NAD+ metabolome and induces transcriptomic and anti-inflammatory signatures. Cell reports. 2019;28(7):1717-28. e6.
  3. Lapatto HA, Kuusela M, Heikkinen A, Muniandy M, van der Kolk BW, Gopalakrishnan S, et al. Nicotinamide riboside improves muscle mitochondrial biogenesis, satellite cell differentiation, and gut microbiota in a twin study. Science Advances. 2023;9(2):eadd5163.
  4. Dollerup OL, Christensen B, Svart M, Schmidt MS, Sulek K, Ringgaard S, et al. A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of nicotinamide riboside in obese men: safety, insulin-sensitivity, and lipid-mobilizing effects. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2018;108(2):343-53.
  5. Dolopikou C, Kourtzidis IA, Margaritelis NV, Vrabas IS, Koidou I, Kyparos A, et al. Acute nicotinamide riboside supplementation improves redox homeostasis and exercise performance in old individuals: a double-blind cross-over study. European journal of nutrition. 2020;59:505-15.
  6. Presterud R, Deng WH, Wennerström AB, Burgers T, Gajera B, Mattsson K, et al. Long‐Term Nicotinamide Riboside Use Improves Coordination and Eye Movements in Ataxia Telangiectasia. Movement Disorders. 2023.
  7. Simic P, Vela Parada XF, Parikh SM, Dellinger R, Guarente LP, Rhee EP. Nicotinamide riboside with pterostilbene (NRPT) increases NAD+ in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI): A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, stepwise safety study of escalating doses of NRPT in patients with AKI. BMC nephrology. 2020;21:1-9.