
Memory issues and brain function decline are increasingly common as people age. Around 70 years old, many start having trouble with their thinking skills. This means they might have a hard time remembering things or making decisions. It's not just in America; it happens worldwide. When individuals are around 60 years old, about 7% to 25% of them might have what's called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (1). Even though it is currently impossible to reverse brain aging, taking care of your physical health can help slow the process.

It might be intimidating to start a path toward healthy behaviors, especially as we grow older. But it's important to remember that, over time, even little adjustments may have a big impact. Making little changes to our daily routines may have a big impact on brain aging and overall health.

So, let's explore the science of brain aging and what you can do about it.

What does Aging do to the Brain?

Aging affects the brain in various ways, and understanding these changes can help us adapt and maintain cognitive health as we grow older.

One significant impact is a decline in cognitive function, including memory loss and decreased processing speed. As we age, our brain cells, or neurons, may also become less efficient at communicating with each other, leading to slower reaction times and reduced ability to learn new information.

Furthermore, aging can increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. These conditions involve the gradual deterioration of brain cells, leading to progressive cognitive decline and impairments in movement and coordination.

While genetics play a role in susceptibility to these diseases, lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and mental stimulation also influence brain health in aging.

However, it's not all doom and gloom.

Research suggests that the brain remains adaptable throughout life, a concept known as neuroplasticity. By engaging in activities that challenge the brain, such as learning a new language or playing musical instruments, we can promote neuroplasticity and potentially offset some age-related cognitive decline (2). Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and social interaction can support overall brain health as we age.

How to Boost Brain Health and Memory?

Boosting brain health and memory is essential for overall wellbeing and cognitive function. Therefore, adding natural methods to your lifestyle can significantly enhance brain health.

Regular exercise, such as brisk walking or yoga, increases blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new brain cells and improving memory (3).

balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients for brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds support brain health and may reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline (4).

Adequate sleep is crucial for memory consolidation and cognitive function. You should prioritize quality sleep by establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine (5).

Engaging in mental activities, such as puzzles, reading, or learning a new skill, stimulates brain activity and strengthens neural connections. Social interaction also plays a vital role in brain health, as it reduces stress and promotes emotional wellbeing (6).

Additionally, certain supplements, discussed later, have been shown to support brain function and memory. 

Incorporating these natural methods into your daily routine can boost brain health, enhance memory, and support overall cognitive function for a sharper mind and improved quality of life.

Top 5 Oral Supplements for Aging Brain


Trimethylglycine (TMG), also known as betaine, is a compound found naturally in plants like beets and spinach. It plays a crucial role in the body's methylation processes, which are essential for functions such as DNA repair, liver detoxification, and the production of neurotransmitters.

Ultra-pure TMG has shown exciting potential in helping with brain health, particularly for conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS) and other brain-related disorders. According to a study, betaine can help fix some of the genetic and cellular imbalances in the brain. It helps keep our brain's cells healthy, supports energy production, and protects against nerve damage. These features make it an important supplement for brain health and cognitive function (7).

A recent study published in May 2023 discusses the potential prophylactic use of betaine to promote brain health in young athletes at risk for concussion (brain trauma). Findings revealed that it has neuroprotective properties. It can also protect against various forms of stress in the nervous system (8). Drawing from the research, it's evident that TMG supplements early in life offer a shield against the brain damage often associated with aging.


Omega-3 supplements are a vital addition to your daily regimen. With their powerful anti-inflammatory properties, they not only support heart health but also promote brain function and improve overall wellbeing.

A systematic review of nine randomized clinical trials (RCTs) focusing on omega-3's impact on brain functions revealed promising results. Those who received omega-3 demonstrated enhanced learning, memory, cognitive wellbeing, and increased brain blood flow. The study also highlights the efficacy of a 900 mg/day dose of omega 3 in improving learning and memory performance, especially among older adults (9).

In yet another study, omega 3 is found to have protective effects against age-related degenerative brain changes. The findings revealed that adequate intake of omega-3 can slow cognitive decline. Not only that, it also protects against senile dementia (age-related memory loss) (10).


Spermidine is a fascinating compound found in various foods like soybeans, cheese, and wheat germ. It's also naturally produced in our bodies and plays a crucial role in cell growth. 

What's remarkable is its potential health benefits, including promoting longevity and protecting against age-related diseases. 

Spermidine helps older people with memory problems, especially those who feel like they're starting to have trouble thinking clearly. In one study, researchers looked at how spermidine supplements affected memory. They found that people who took spermidine did better on memory tests than those who didn't take it. This suggests that spermidine is helpful in boosting memory performance in older adults (11).

Spermidine is like a guardian for our brains as we age. It helps keep our brain cells healthy by making sure they have enough energy to work. Studies with older mice show that taking spermidine supplements might help protect the brain from getting damaged as we get older. Also, spermidine seems to help the heart stay healthy, which could indirectly keep our brains safe from age-related problems (12).


NMN, short for Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a promising supplement gaining traction in health and wellness. As we age, our bodies naturally produce less NMN, a compound crucial for cellular energy production. Therefore, NMN supplementation supports the body's energy metabolism and potentially slows aging.

Not only that, NMN supplements are a true adversary against Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia among older adults.

According to a study, NMN administration can restore mitochondrial respiratory function in Alzheimer's disease (AD), which is a hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases like AD (13). This feature makes them an excellent supplement for older adults looking to keep their BRAIN SPIRITS HIGH!

Another research shows that NMN supplements offer promising anti-aging effects on the brain. In studies with mice that have Alzheimer's disease, NMN slowed down memory loss by promoting neuron survival, boosting energy metabolism, and reducing reactive oxygen species. Moreover, NMN may support the integrity of the blood-brain barrier, shielding the brain from harmful substances (14).


Resveratrol supplements are great for our brain and memory. They work like strong antioxidants, fighting off harmful molecules and boosting enzymes in our bodies. This helps keep our brain healthy and prevents problems with thinking. Also, resveratrol lowers inflammation in our bodies, which is linked to brain issues (15). So, resveratrol seems like a good way to keep our brain sharp and memory strong!

Research consistently shows that combining supplements can yield superior results. Therefore, it's good to try different supplements together to have the best brain power and memory. When we take a mix of supplements, we get more nutrients and helpful things for our brains (16). This can make the supplements work together even better, giving us the best results. So, try out different combos to prevent brain aging and boost brain health and memory.

A Quick Recap

Taking care of our brains as we get older can be tough, but there's a lot we can do to help keep our minds sharp. By making some good habits part of our daily life, like staying active, eating well, getting enough sleep, doing puzzles or learning new things, and hanging out with friends, we can really make a difference in how our brain works. Plus, adding some special supplements to our diet, like TMG, Omega 3, Spermidine, NMN, and Resveratrol, can give our brains an extra boost. These steps are like giving our brain a helping hand to stay healthy and work well as we age. 

Let's start these good habits today so we can keep our minds clear and enjoy life more, no matter how old we get.


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